Bachelor of Nursing

Course summary

Registered nurses play an important role in the health care system and are involved in a range of activities that are designed to provide care for people with acute, chronic and complex health conditions. Registered nurses are integral in the treatment of people, families, communities, and populations.

Throughout the Bachelor of Nursing, you will have opportunities to apply theory to practice. During 21-weeks of workplace experience undertaken in hospitals, aged care, and community facilities, you will be immersed in nursing practice, ensuring you are workplace ready.

You will develop an increased awareness of the effects of cultural, social, economic, legal and ethical influences on the development of the nursing profession. This knowledge will enable you to accept responsibility for more complex client management.

UOW nursing graduates enjoy excellent employment prospects with 93.1% in full-time employment within four months of graduating compared to the national average of 80.1%. Source: QILT

Students who successfully complete the Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121 or HLT54115) are eligible to apply for the Bachelor of Nursing via UOW Apply Online, or the Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurses – HLT54121 or HLT54115 Dip Nursing Entry) via UAC. Applicants must have completed an approved and accredited Diploma of Nursing - HLT54121 or HLT54115 and hold a current registration as an Enrolled Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). If these conditions are met and admission is approved, students may be awarded 48 credit points towards the Bachelor of Nursing (second year entry)*.

*Second year entry is not available for Spring Session 2024. 

Course information

Study area

Health & Medicine


Wollongong, Sutherland, Shoalhaven, Liverpool, Eurobodalla, Bega Valley

Course Code




IB Score



3 years full-time or negotiated part-time equivalent


On Campus



UAC Code


Admission, Key dates, and Fees

A range of admission options are available for students of all ages and academic backgrounds. The procedures governing admission are defined in UOW's Admissions Procedures, and the UOW College Admissions Policy.

For any specific advice or questions regarding an application, please contact the Future Students Team.

Recent Secondary Education Admission Criteria These criteria may be used to gain admission to this course for students who are currently in year 12 or have recently completed their secondary education.

Recent secondary education students can gain admission to this course via non-ATAR or ATAR-based options.

NON-ATAR ADMISSION OPTIONS With these options students may be admitted on the basis of criteria other than ATAR.

Non-ATAR admissions at UOW take an individual approach to understanding potential for academic success. Each student is assessed based on key qualities across academic readiness, motivation & passion, planning & persistence, and communication & collaboration.

Early Admission

Students may be admitted to this course via Early Admission.

ATAR-BASED ADMISSION OPTIONS With these options, students may be admitted on the basis of ATAR or ATAR plus additional criteria (e.g. an audition or individual subject results).

Guaranteed entry selection ranks

The minimum score for guaranteed entry (or for consideration if this course has limited places) is an ATAR-Selection Rank of 65 or an IB of 24. This includes the effect of adjustment factors.

Adjustment factors

Adjustment factors, such as the subjects you are studying, the area in which you live or equity and access schemes, are taken into consideration and these will be combined with your ATAR to adjust your selection rank and make it higher than your ATAR. Find out more about UOW's adjustment factors.

Other Admission Criteria

VOCATIONAL EDUCATION & TRAINING Students who have undertaken vocational education or training since leaving school.

HIGHER EDUCATION STUDY Students who have studied a University course, or completed a bridging or enabling course.

WORK & LIFE EXPERIENCE Students admitted on the basis of previous achievement other than higher education study, vocational education & training, or recent secondary education.


Prospective students who are Registered Nurses, holding a certificate or diploma should refer to the Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion) course for details.

Domestic students

Students who successfully complete the Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121 or HLT54115) are eligible to apply for the Bachelor of Nursing via UOW Apply Online, or the Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurses –Dip Nursing Entry) via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). Applicants must have completed an approved and accredited Diploma of Nursing - HLT54121 or HLT54115 and hold a current registration as an Enrolled Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). If these conditions are met and admission is approved, students may be awarded 48 credit points towards the Bachelor of Nursing (second year entry).

Applicants with other nursing related qualifications should apply for the Bachelor of Nursing and seek credit approval.

Please note: Classes for students commencing in the second-year program start in late January.

Diploma-entry students must attend a compulsory orientation module prior to commencing their studies. Students who do not attend the compulsory orientation will not be permitted to continue in the second-year program.

International students
Students who successfully complete the HLT54121 or HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing are eligible to apply to UOW for entry to the Bachelor of Nursing. Applications will be subject to UOW entry requirements including Faculty assessment. If admission is approved, applicants may be awarded 48 credit points towards the Bachelor of Nursing. Entry into second year is not guaranteed as spaces are limited. Students who are awarded entry into second year must also achieve NMBA registration as an Enrolled Nurse and successfully complete a UOW Bachelor of Nursing Orientation Program prior to Bachelor of Nursing commencement.


Prior to employment or placement in any capacity in the NSW health system, the NSW Health Department requires all students undertaking clinical placements at NSW Health hospitals and facilities to:

  1. undergo a national criminal record check; and
  2. comply with NSW Health's immunisation requirements.

This criminal record clearance will be conducted by the NSW Police and/or the Australian Federal Police. Students are required to arrange for this check to be undertaken following enrolment, and the cost of the check will be their responsibility.

In addition, overseas students must also provide a Police Certificate from their home country/any country they have resided in, or a signed Statutory Declaration with no convictions/pending charges.

Students should consult the information on Criminal Records Checks, Prohibited Employment Declaration and Infectious Diseases in the Health Placements section.


Applicants need to have achieved the required score in a qualification equivalent to the completion of 13 years of schooling in Australia.
In order to succeed in your chosen course, it is assumed you have completed relevant subjects in your senior high school studies or other relevant qualifications. This is particularly important for degrees which have a strong basis in Mathematics or Science.

In addition to these criteria, nursing degrees also have inherent requirements that must be met.


Before you can start studying to become a registered nurse, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) requires you to demonstrate a high level of English proficiency, either by providing a written declaration that English is your primary language or evidence that you have met the minimum English language requirements. To do this, you will need to complete and upload the English Language Declaration for Nursing Applicants This is in addition to meeting UOW’s course specific academic and English admission requirements.
When you graduate and apply for registration as a nurse or a midwife in Australia, you will also need to meet the English language skills registration standard of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Check the ANMAC English language skills requirements for this course.

The following level of English is required to gain admission to this program:

English Test Overall Score Reading Writing Listening Speaking
IELTS Academic 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
TOEFL (Internet-based) 94 24 27 24 23
PTE Academic 69 69 69 69 69

Before you can start studying to become a registered nurse, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council requires you to demonstrate a high level of English proficiency. To be eligible for an offer you must declare one of the following:

  1. You will have completed six years of schooling - including at least two years of secondary school - in English in one of the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, United States, Canada, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom. OR
  2. You have undertaken/will undertake an English language proficiency test accepted for entry to this course preference in ONE sitting and within two years before the course start date (minimum test results as outlined under English Language requirements).

More information on English requirements can be found on our English Language Requirements website


Prospective students who are Registered Nurses, holding a certificate or diploma should refer to the Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion) course for details.

Domestic students

Students who successfully complete the Diploma of Nursing (HLT54121 or HLT54115) are eligible to apply for the Bachelor of Nursing via UOW Apply Online, or the Bachelor of Nursing (Enrolled Nurses –Dip Nursing Entry) via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). Applicants must have completed an approved and accredited Diploma of Nursing - HLT54121 or HLT54115 and hold a current registration as an Enrolled Nurse with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). If these conditions are met and admission is approved, students may be awarded 48 credit points towards the Bachelor of Nursing (second year entry).

Applicants with other nursing related qualifications should apply for the Bachelor of Nursing and seek credit approval.

Please note: Classes for students commencing in the second-year program start in late January.

Diploma-entry students must attend a compulsory orientation module prior to commencing their studies. Students who do not attend the compulsory orientation will not be permitted to continue in the second-year program.

International students
Students who successfully complete the HLT54121 or HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing are eligible to apply to UOW for entry to the Bachelor of Nursing. Applications will be subject to UOW entry requirements including Faculty assessment. If admission is approved, applicants may be awarded 48 credit points towards the Bachelor of Nursing. Entry into second year is not guaranteed as spaces are limited. Students who are awarded entry into second year must also achieve NMBA registration as an Enrolled Nurse and successfully complete a UOW Bachelor of Nursing Orientation Program prior to Bachelor of Nursing commencement.


Prior to employment or placement in any capacity in the NSW health system, the NSW Health Department requires all students undertaking clinical placements at NSW Health hospitals and facilities to:

  1. undergo a national criminal record check; and
  2. comply with NSW Health's immunisation requirements.

This criminal record clearance will be conducted by the NSW Police and/or the Australian Federal Police. Students are required to arrange for this check to be undertaken following enrolment, and the cost of the check will be their responsibility.

In addition, overseas students must also provide a Police Certificate from their home country/any country they have resided in, or a signed Statutory Declaration with no convictions/pending charges.

Students should consult the information on Criminal Records Checks, Prohibited Employment Declaration and Infectious Diseases in the Health Placements section.







On Campus

$16,800 (2024)

$100,800 (2024)


On Campus

$16,800 (2025)

$100,800 (2025)


On Campus

$16,800 (2025)

$100,800 (2025)


On Campus

$16,800 (2025)

$100,800 (2025)


On Campus

$16,800 (2025)

$100,800 (2025)


On Campus

$16,800 (2025)

$100,800 (2025)

Bega Valley

On Campus

$16,800 (2025)

$100,800 (2025)

* Session fees are for one session for the year shown. Total course tuition fees shown are indicative, and are based on normal course length and progression.
These fees are subject to change from year to year. The fees outlined in your Letter of Offer of Admission to the University are correct at the point of offer, but are indicative and subject to change without notice. The indicative total course tuition fee is an estimate, based on normal course length and progression and current course fees.

Admission Profile



This table shows the breakdown of the applicant background of the student group at UOW for this course. It provides data on students that commenced undergraduate study and continued study beyond the census date at UOW in 2023.

Applicant background

2023 intake

2023 intake (%)

Higher education study Students who have studied a University course, or completed a bridging or enabling course.



Vocational education & training study Students who have undertaken vocational education or training since leaving school.



Work & life experience Students admitted on the basis of previous achievement other than higher education study, vocational education & training, or recent secondary education.



Recent secondary education

ATAR Only Students admitted only on the basis of ATAR including any applied adjustment factors.



ATAR plus additional criteria Students who were admitted on the basis of both ATAR and additional criteria (e.g. an audition or individual subject results).



Other criteria only (non-ATAR) These students were admitted on the basis of other criteria where ATAR was not a factor (e.g. UOW Early Admission).



International students All other students.



All students



< 5: Number of students is less than 5
N/A: Data not available for this item
N/P: Not published (hidden to prevent calculation of other numbers less than 5)


This table relates to all students selected on the basis of ATAR alone or ATAR in combination with adjustment factors. For more information on adjustment factors commonly available to applicants, see ‘ATAR-based admission’.

ATAR profile of ATAR-based offers in 2023

ATAR The unadjusted, raw ATARs for students offered a place wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR. Selection Rank The ATARs of the same student group, including the impact of adjustment factors.
Highest rank to receive an offer



Median rank to receive an offer



Lowest rank to receive an offer



< 5: Less than 5 ATAR-based offers made
N/A: Data not available for this item
N/P: Not published (less than 5 ATAR-based offers made)

More Information

For more information about UOW admission pathways, see UOW Admission Information.

Key Dates




2024 Spring


Orientation: 15 July 2024
Session: 22 July – 15 November 2024

Applications Close

  • Domestic Applicants (UAC): 4 July 2024 (see UAC Key Dates).
  • Domestic Applicants (Direct): 31 May 2024*
  • International Applicants: This course is not available to international applicants in 2024.

*Complete applications (with all required documentation) received by this date will receive an outcome prior to the start of session.

Applications received after this date will continue to be assessed for the requested session until start of session. Late applications may be assessed for future sessions if an outcome for the requested session is not possible.

2025 Autumn


Orientation: 24 - 27 February 2025
Session: 03 March - 27 June 2025

NB: The Bachelor of Nursing, year 2 and year 3, works on an extended academic year, generally commencing in late January, and concluding early/mid-December.

Applications Close

  • Domestic Applicants year 1 (UAC): 30 September 2024 (early bird), 30 January 2025 (final) (see UAC Key Dates).
  • Domestic Applicants year 2 (UAC): 30 September 2024 (early bird), 27 December 2024 (final) (see UAC Key Dates).
  • Domestic Applicants (Direct): 31 December 2024*
  • International Applicants: 9 December 2024*

*Nursing is a competitive program with limited places available at each campus. Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. If places are full, a place may be offered at an alternative campus if it is available.

2025 Autumn


Orientation: Check your campus details
Session: 08 March – 26 June 2025

NB: The Bachelor of Nursing, year 2 and year 3, works on an extended academic year, generally commencing in late January, and concluding early/mid-December.

Applications Close

  • Domestic Applicants (UAC): 18 November 2024 (early bird), 14 March 2025* (final) (see UAC Key Dates).
  • Domestic Applicants (Direct): 02 December 2024*
  • International Applicants: This course is not available to international applicants on this campus.

*Nursing is a competitive program with limited places available at each campus. Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. If places are full, a place may be offered at an alternative campus if it is available.

2025 Autumn

Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, Bega Valley

Orientation: Check your campus details
Session: 08 March – 26 June 2025

NB: The Bachelor of Nursing, year 2 and year 3, works on an extended academic year, generally commencing in late January, and concluding early/mid-December.

Applications Close

  • Domestic Applicants (UAC): 18 November 2024 (early bird), 14 March 2025* (final) (see UAC Key Dates).
  • Domestic Applicants (Direct): 02 December 2024*
  • International Applicants: 02 December 2024*

*Nursing is a competitive program with limited places available at each campus. Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. If places are full, a place may be offered at an alternative campus if it is available.

2025 Autumn


Orientation: Check your campus details
Session: 03 March - 27 June 2025

NB: The Bachelor of Nursing, year 2 and year 3, works on an extended academic year, generally commencing in late January, and concluding early/mid-December.

Applications Close

  • Domestic Applicants (UAC): 30 September 2024 (early bird), 07 February 2025 (final) (see UAC Key Dates).
  • International Applicants: 31 December 2024*

*Nursing is a competitive program with limited places available at each campus. Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible. If places are full, a place may be offered at an alternative campus if it is available.

Course Structure

(Current year structure - subject to change)

Course Handbook

Accreditation & professional recognition

The Bachelor of Nursing is accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Program accreditation can be checked on their website.

Why choose this course

Health Care and Social Assistance has been the primary provider of new jobs within Australia and is projected to make the largest contribution of 15.8% to employment growth from 2022 to 2026. This brings exciting employment opportunities and career options. Source: Employment Projections

Working in health requires in-depth knowledge, and skills. At UOW we're committed to 'enquiry-based learning' that assists you to seek out knowledge, analyse it and apply it in your chosen profession. We integrate technology into our learning and teaching activities to ensure that you graduate equipped to excel in a constantly changing and technologically advanced world.

Our courses are taught by professionals who are world-leading researchers and experienced clinicians, so the skills and knowledge you acquire can be applied to real-world challenges. Our professional nursing degrees are accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Agency.