2020 Undergraduate Courses
  • Students are to follow the requirements of the Handbook for the year they commenced the course.

    However, the subject links below do not contain the subject information for the current year. You can view current subject information through the new Course Handbook.

Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students Major | 2020 

Mandarin is the first language of more than one billion people and is the most spoken language in the world. China has a 5,000-year history and culture and boasts the fastest-growing economy worldwide. Cultural and economic exchange between China and its neighbours is continually increasing and Chinese language skills are now in great demand. This UOW degree is for students who already know Chinese characters, but who either speak a Chinese dialect such as Shanghainese, Cantonese or Taiwanese and do not speak Mandarin, or wish to improve their Mandarin skills. 

At UOW, you will study Mandarin language, grammar, culture and history. You will learn Mandarin from the comparative linguistic perspective and be able to express yourself clearly and accurately in spoken and written Mandarin in a wide range of situations including social and the global business market. You will learn to recognise and respond personally to differences between Chinese culture and your own cultural heritage by analysing film, poetry and other cultural products. 

Entry Requirements & Credit Arrangements

Information on academic and English language requirements, as well as eligibility for credit for prior learning, is available from the Course Finder.

Major Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students major students will be able to:

CLO Description
1 Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of Mandarin language and grammar from the comparative linguistic perspective;
2 Effectively communicate in a wide range of genres in Mandarin, including academic essay writing at undergraduate level
3 Comprehend Classical Chinese texts with the assistance of annotations
4 Critically analyse and evaluate Chinese heritage, modern Chinese history and contemporary China
5 Effectively translate texts from English into Chinese.

Subjects Required for Major Study

Students studying the Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students major will complete at least 54 credit points as outlined below:

Subject Code Subject Name Credit Points
MAND161 Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students (CBS) 1 6
MAND162 Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students (CBS) 2 6
MAND271 Comparative studies of China and Australia 1 6
MAND272 Comparative Studies of China and Australia 26
MAND371 Chinese Literature6
MAND372 Chinese in Workplaces6
LANG370 The Language Advantage (Capstone) 6
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following:
ELL 110 Language as a Cultural Tool 6
ELL 230 Communication Across Cultures 6
ELL 280 Languages around the world 6
HIST293 China since 1949 6
Plus a minimum of ONE from the following, or a 300 level subject with appropriate content as approved by the Discipline Leader:
LANG364 Advanced Studies in Language/Culture 1 6
LANG365 Advanced Studies in Language/Culture 2 6

Click on subject codes in the above table for information on sessions of offer for each subject. To find out specific information on timetables, tutorials, and classes, visit the Timetable page.

Minor Study

A 24 credit point minor study in Chinese (Mandarin) for Character Background Students is available. Information is available on the 2020 General Schedule of Minors page.

Students cannot complete both a major and a minor in Chinese (Mandarin).

Work Integrated Learning

Undertaking a work integrated learning experience during your university education is now a significant contributor to being competitive in securing employment in your field of choice when you graduate from UOW.

The internship program provides students with an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their degree in a workplace setting.

Students are also encouraged to consider CRLP200 'Career Ready Learning and Practice' (6cp). CRLP200 includes a quality assured workplace internship or industry project to give you that competitive edge by developing your professional skills through authentic learning in a real world context. You will focus on your career goals and receive career direction guidance, strengthen your resume and gain skills to navigate the rapidly changing world of work, develop your communication skills and begin to build a professional network.

Diploma in Languages

Students may prefer to study a language as a Diploma in Languages, rather than as a major. This can be done as a standalone degree, or concurrently alongside another degree. Information is available on the Diploma in Languages Course Handbook page.


See Bachelor of Arts (Honours).

Other Information

For further information email: askuow@uow.edu.au

Last reviewed: 23 July, 2020